Color ,Form and Harmony a study in composition

Have you ever wondered where these colors and modern designs come from? Although the state of modern thinking and painting started at the end of the 19th and beginning of the 20th century, headed by the more well-known artists: Matisse and Picasso, and of course many others, the real start of what we take for granted now, of this modern style of life and all its conveniences. Started with the Bauhaus which influenced all of what we know as contemporary two of the most influential artists which are associated with this movement pushed forward and reduced painting to its simplest surfaced content. Piet Mondrian and Joseph Alberts. In this lesson, students are given directions to get started as the progression of the lesson takes shape then student finds themselves discovering their own placement and achieving a personal composition. Thus learning how colors and shapes react with each other both aesthetically and psychologically. A fun project. Now all my students have made famous works of art.



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